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This voucher is minimum for 1 person and can be customized up to 5 people

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And more...

Unit price
Kit linge de lit - Lit simple
Gaz de coton
9.00 €
9.00 €
Kit linge de lit - Lit double
.Gaz de coton
18.00 €
18.00 €
Petit déjeuner
Thé/Café/Chocolat Pain Brioche ou pancakes ou crêpes... Jus de pomme bio local Granola maison aux noix Laitage Fruits de saison
12.00 €
12.00 €
Forfait ménage Toile du berger
Frais Obligatoires (1)
10.00 €
10.00 €
Kit linge de toilette et de maison
Une petite et une grande serviette de toilette Un torchon pour la vaisselle
4.00 €
4.00 €

Choose the delivery mode of your voucher

Available immediately

Receive a gift card by e-mail that you can print at home and offer it to the giftee whenever you see fit.
The gift will be sent via e-mail to the giftee as soon as your order is complete.
The digital card will be sent upon validation of your payment.

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Book or offer in less than 2 minutes.

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Buy or offer a workshop without any intermediary.

Secure payment

100% secured by our bank partners